There are beardsmen and there is The Serious Beardsman. Guys who would rather shave their head than their beard. And guys whose friends wouldn’t recognize them without it. That was the idea behind the launch of Wahl’s new high-end, high-visibility beard trimmer. It begged men whose beard defines them to buy a trimmer that was up to the challenge.
The immune system is complicated. Supporting is not. That was the idea behind a new campaign for supplements company Standard Process who was introducing a new line of immune support chewables for children. To communicate this, we asked children to tell us what they know about the immune system.
Montana offers endless adventures. To help potential visitors learn about the possibilities, we created a series of Instant Experiences that let viewers navigate our ads like the picturesque landscapes they would soon be visiting.
Changing your hair or beard style can be intimidating. It’s not like you can stop what you’re doing and start over. Once it’s done, it’s done! That’s why Wahl created the Style Selector. It’s the first web app with advanced face-mapping technology that lets you try on 12 different hair and facial hair styles before you trim.
When Wahl launched a new line of dog shampoos, we decided to use it on animals that could use it most—shelter pets. The Wahl Dirty Dogs Contest is now an annual event with hundreds of animal shelters receiving Wahl grooming supplies. Those shelters submit before and after photos of rescue dogs along with their stories. The public then votes on the top 10 makeovers for a chance to earn money for deserving shelters. The campaign garners national press, great social engagement and the respect of retailers and consumers alike.
How does Gen Z think and feel? We surveyed more than 1,300 Gen Zers to understand their likes, dislikes and views on life. All to help marketers get to know what is now the second largest generation, contributing over $360 billion to the economy.
Brands today need disposable photo and video assets—and lots of them. HYPERDRIVE is a state-of-the-art, agile studio that harnesses bright minds and the latest tech to deliver engaging digital content. And fast. As in speed of light fast. But with the craft and attention to detail required to stand out on web, social and everywhere.
Do facial-haired athletes outperform clean-shaven ones? That was the question we asked and answered in a fun, lighthearted campaign for client Wahl. In partnership with sports analytics company STATS, we learned that the beard apparently does make the athlete. Our learnings earned massive media coverage from Sports Illustrated and USA Today to Washington Post and more. An influencer tie-in with Major League baseball players helped generate plenty of buzz on social media as well.
Ah, the written word. The ability to harness copy to move, motivate and inspire others. It’s part art, part science and part gut instinct. I’ve been fortunate to work on a wide variety of copywriting assignments—from speeches and scripts to ads and websites, social to blogs and everything in between. I enjoy taking the boring and complex and making it understandable and enjoyable. And finding the right words to capture the attention of the masses. In the end, it’s about finding the right story and telling it in the best way possible.